Thommond Community College is a Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board multidenominational and co- educational post-primary school.
Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board schools provide an inclusive, student-centred and holistic education to students in our communities. Our schools, through excellence in education, aim to enable every student to realise their potential through the provision of highly supportive school communities that nurture students’ intellectual, cultural, personal, social, emotional, moral and physical development.
Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board schools recognise, respect and celebrate the identity of all of our students equally and are acknowledged as having a significant influence in promoting diversity – reflective of our changing society.
All Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board schools are funded by the Department of Education and Skills.
Chief Executive: Bernadette Cullen.

Click here for more information regarding Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board.
Our Ethos
All ETB schools are State, Co-Educational, and Multi-Denominational. ETB ethos is underpinned by the core values of Excellence in Education, Care, Respect, Equality and Community.
What is ethos?
Ethos is how we live, work, and relate to each other in our school community. While it encompasses the curriculum and how it is taught, ethos relates to our shared core values, to the hidden curriculum, to decision making processes and to the relationships that underpin the daily life of our school culture.
Our school expresses our uniqueness through our mission and vision statements.
Professional Development on implementing ETB Ethos
Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board is committed to implementing Education and Training Board Ireland’s (ETBI) ethos framework across its schools and colleges.
A Professional Learning Network for Ethos has been established by our patron – Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board. A member of our teaching staff attends this group. They meet regularly with the LCETB’s Ethos Coordinator to share best practice.
The initial focus of our Ethos Coordinator is on raising awareness and understanding of ETB ethos with all members of the school community. ETBI has consulted widely across the sector and produced a Framework for Ethos. This document outlines ETB ethos and specifies the standards that all ETB schools should strive for.