Transition Year (TY) is a one-year optional programme available to all post-primary schools. It is a standalone programme within the senior cycle experience. TY offers an opportunity for schools and communities to collaborate to encourage our students to thrive now and into the future. At Thomond Community College, we have designed a TY timetable to support the development of all aspects of the student. This involves core subjects, subject sampling, and modules designed specifically for TY.
Students participate in a two-week work experience placement in January. Several students also complete further work experience with An Gardaí Síochána, the Defence ForceS, Limerick Youth Theatre, Regeneron, Analog and virtual work experience. TYs also complete a social placement with the support of St. Vincent de Paul.
Our links with Further Education Training ensures our students get experience in several programmes such as Barista and Culinary.
TY students participate in many workshops and school outings during the year. These include an overnight trip to meet Gaisce requirements. TY Students also have the option of participating in the School foreign tour.